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2024-04-26 14:35:04

It's very early days with AI devices but i think the Rabbit R1 does a great job not failing completely from the start like the AI pin did. I will wait for the next generation however.
2024-04-26 14:42:26

C'est tellement triste que la culture québécoise peut disparaître comme ça. Tellement de bons matériels qui est disponible absolument absolument nulle part. Souvent la seule place pour trouver certaines choses sont sur les sites pirates, et quand le site ferme beaucoup disparait. Je pense pas que l'entreprise privée peut régler ce genre de problème ça prend du leadership au gouvernement.
Répertoire des films disparus
2024-04-26 16:40:50

Hinweis für #NextCloud Admins: Mit Version 28 wurden einige Scripte von .js auf .mjs umgestellt. Sollte euer Webserver die Endung nicht kennen und das als text/html statt application/javascript einstufen knallt es.
Zum Testen: curl -I https://your.nextcloud.tld/apps/settings/js/esm-test.mjs
Für nginx: mjs für application/javascript in der mime.types im Config-Ordner ergänzen.<…
2024-02-28 07:43:04

I wanted to test #copilot's Icelandic capabilities, and it went completely bananas🍌
#ai #Iceland

Í Reykjavík er veðrið núna fyrir klukkan 7:00 -3 gráðum celsius og flekkótt1. Sólin rís klukkan 8:40 og fer niður klukkan 18:411. Þessi veðurhorfur eru fyrir næstu daga:

    Miðvikudagur, 29. febrúar: Hámarkshiti -1 gráða celsius, lágmarkshiti -4 gráða celsius, og flekkótt veður.

Ef þú ert að undrast á hvaða skala þetta væri í banönum, þá getum við giskað. Meðallengd banans er um 7,5 toll23. Ef við deilum hæð Mount Everest (29.031 fet) með lengd banans (7,5 toll) og margfalda með 12 til að br…
2024-02-28 02:48:33

My coach used to tell me to stop falling down while playing soccer so much but I always though if you're not falling down your not trying hard enough to get to the ball.
2024-04-26 23:15:00

Über die von der EU verpflichtete Browser-Auswahl von iOS 17.4 habe ich über die Tage wieder #Firefox für iOS ausprobiert:
Ohne die fehlenden Browser-Add-Ons v.a. für Ad-Blocker und WebKit statt Gecko als Engine ist das nutzlos für mich. Das liegt aber mehr an Apple als an Mozilla.
Als die App mich um eine Rezension gebeten hat, habe ich das dort so geschrieben.
Darauf kam eine E-…

"Dear Martin,
We are writing to inform you that your customer review for Firefox: Private, Safe Browser is not in compliance with the Apple Media Services Terms and Conditions, Submissions Guidelines under Section L.
Due to the violation of the Submissions Guidelines noted above, we removed your submitted review as part of routine moderation practices, during which automated processes were used.
You can submit a review by following the Submissions Guidelines, or learn about your Redress Rights …
2024-02-27 01:31:52

Raiders’ Feelings On Free Agent RB Josh Jacobs Revealed
2024-04-27 14:47:44

“Tech isn’t political”
The Nazis in tech are, very vocally. That’s why if you have any sort of following in tech on social media you should vocally call them out and use your voice to denounce these absolute garbage people.
Because if you don’t, you’re quietly let them take away what you love.
2024-04-26 14:35:04

It's very early days with AI devices but i think the Rabbit R1 does a great job not failing completely from the start like the AI pin did. I will wait for the next generation however.
2024-04-27 14:47:44

“Tech isn’t political”
The Nazis in tech are, very vocally. That’s why if you have any sort of following in tech on social media you should vocally call them out and use your voice to denounce these absolute garbage people.
Because if you don’t, you’re quietly let them take away what you love.